Ocean Connections: Organizations and Resources
Welcome to Ocean Connections
The ocean connects us all, and protecting it takes teamwork. Ocean Connections is a space where you can find trusted resources, learn about marine conservation efforts, and explore ways to get involved in protecting our oceans.
Here, you’ll find informational resources, research, and conservation initiatives from organizations dedicated to ocean health. Right now, we’ve highlighted:
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) – Leading marine research, conservation, and sustainable fisheries initiatives.
Coastal Action – A non-profit organization focused on environmental restoration, climate change adaptation, and species protection.
Use the dropdown menu above to explore each organization. Clicking on a name will reveal resources and links that will take you directly to their pages. More organizations and resources will be added as we continue to connect with them, so check back for updates!
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) plays a vital role in protecting Canada’s marine ecosystems, managing fisheries, and supporting sustainable ocean practices. Through scientific research, conservation programs, and marine protection efforts, they work to ensure the health of our oceans and the species that call them home.
From creating Marine Protected Areas to researching endangered species and reducing the impact of ghost gear, DFO leads important initiatives to safeguard our waters. Explore the resources below to learn more about their work and how we can all help protect Canada’s oceans!
Want to lean more? Dive into the resources below!
DFO YouTube Channel:
Regional marine conservation videos:
Discover the St. Anns Bank Marine Protected Area
Bubblegum at the bottom of the sea: Atlantic coldwater corals
Vazella is older than the dinosaurs! An amazing Atlantic sponge
Deep Dive: protecting coldwater corals off Nova Scotia
Meet scientists who work in conservation areas!
General marine conservation videos:
Protecting Canada’s oceans through marine conservation networks
Protecting 30% of our oceans by 2030
Benefits of marine conservation
Links to regional marine protected area (MPA) webpages:
Gully MPA:
Musquash Estuary MPA:
St Anns Bank MPA:
Annual MPA Reports:
The Current Summary Report:
Marine refuges across Canada:
Publications related to marine conservation:
DFO Infographics page:
DFO Science publications database:
DFO sustainable fisheries strategies:
Whalesafe fishing gear:
Ghost gear:
Species at risk public registry:
Links to species at risk public registry pages on endangered, threatened, and special concern marine species in Nova Scotia:
Blue Whale, Atlantic population
Fin Whale, Atlantic population
Some recent CBC articles on species at risk conservation projects:
North Atlantic Right Whale genetics project:
White shark tagging:
Collaboration with Ingenium Canada:
Non-DFO projects:
Canadian Sea Turtle Network:
“Last of the Right Whales” documentary page:
canFISH gear lending program:
Coastal Action is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the natural environment in Atlantic Canada. From coastal and marine conservation to climate change adaptation, watershed health, and species at risk, their work helps keep our ecosystems thriving for future generations.
With a strong focus on research, education, and community engagement, Coastal Action is making waves in environmental conservation.
Want to learn more? Check out the resources below!
Ghost Gear: